Those who know me, know I'm always looking to make my own products for around the house and do away with the toxic counterpart. This past week I cleared out all chemicals I had left from under my sink and will be putting it in a garage sale next month. I made a vow that if I need something to clean, get a stain out etc..with I will find the safe non-toxic way in doing it. So I finally went through a book I bought at a book sale and found some new ideas:
The First two are ones I was still buying but don't have to any longer...WOOT WOOT!
Dishwasher's Soap:
3/4 C Castile Soap (I bought the organic Dr. Bronners at Target)
1/2 C Water
5-10 drops lavender or rosemary essential oil (I got lavender scented castile soap so I probably won't add this)
Dusting Spray:
1/4 C Vinegar
3 drops olive or Jojoba oil
3-5 drops essential oil
All Purpose Spray
1 C Vinegar
2 t Borax
1/2 t castile soap
2 C Hot Water
Shake in a spray bottle. Keeps indefinitely. I posted a recipe for all purpose spray in one of my first posts and this one just doesn't use the dish soap. If you've used and tried the other recipe (I LOVE it)!, I would guess you could follow it and just use the above dishwashers soap you make.
Dishwasher Cleaner
1 C Vinegar
Place in dishwasher safe cup on top rack and run on rinse cycle. I tried it and I was very pleased with the results!
*To clean the drains in your home once a week pour a teakettle of boiling water down the drain. To deodorize or open up a slow running drain pour a 1/2 C baking soda and then a 1/2 C Vinegar in drain then cover with wet rag. Let fizz 5 minutes and flush with boiling water
*To disinfect and sharpen disposal blades, freeze white distilled vinegar in ice cube tray and grind cubes while running water
Natural Shoe Polish
Grant uses shoe polish so I was excited about this!
Dime size of jojoba oil and a squirt of lemon to an old tshirt. Rub mix in a circular motion and then buff shoes with clean end of tshirt
Baked on Food
1/4 C baking soda
Boiling water
Soak overnight
Burned Pots
1/4 C table salt
cold water
Stir and sit overnight
For my windows I bought an Eco-cloth and LOVE it! No streaks and gets my windows and mirrors clean with just water!
When shopping avoid buying items in plastics with these numbers on them
3, 6, and 7
these are know as the "bad" plastics
I have a green recipe book on my flash drive ready to print out at anytime with all the recipes I use and love so feel free to give me your address and I'll send you one or however many you want! I love sharing what I've researched to be some awesome green ways to clean and help others jump on the bandwagon as well! Of course my recipes are printed on 100% recycled printing paper and it's put in a 100% recycled folder