Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Capitalism: A love Story

Many people love to hate Michael Moore because he is so one sided and is so obviously giving his audience just a small part of the story. I have watched all his films and I guess love getting a kick out of this and love screaming at him through my television screen. Many people are kinda amazed when I tell them I watch the Michael Moore movies and here is why I do. I don't want to be one of "those" people who say I hate him and have never watched a clip of what he has to say. Yes I know I'm going to dislike him but now I have grounds in a conversation to say why he is wrong=) It's the same with all the liberals who bash Glenn Beck or Bill O' Reilly and have never watched an episode of either of them. What I find funny about this is, many liberals would probably agree with Bill because he is so neutral and is just giving us stories not bashing just one party but both for the idiotic things they both do. I've heard him bash Bush MANY times and Glenn Beck does the same... although I will admit he does lean more right than Bill. Yes, Hannity is our Michael Moore whom is completley one-sided and plainly hates the liberal ideas.
So enough about my rant but I did think that he does point out a lot of sad things going on in our nation that are not right and should be fixed BUT, for example the airline pilots making so little...I've never heard of the company they work for let alone never heard of a pilot making less than around 200,000....this is having a dad as an accountant by the way. Why didn't he pinpoint an airline that the general public probably has heard of? I did agree with the company sit in and was so happy that bank of america finally paid them what they had coming.
I do like capitalism and the idea of working your way up and getting what you put into it, but as Grant and I talked about, don't like the idea of the 1% making billions while the little cashier under them doing their work makes 7.00.
The forclosed homes that are happening in this day and age are yes due to some people losing their jobs and it is sad. But for the most part it seems people have gotten themselves into trouble with credit and buying more than they could afford. Yes the banks maybe shouldn't have given people so much but when making such a big purchase shouldn't you be responsible as well for knowing what you can afford? Plus many of these people live in such an instant gratification world and end up getting themselves into trouble...should I really feel bad for these people? I do a little, it's just human to do so but we all have to learn from lessons eh' Grant and I went through a period when living in the cities where we spent way more than what we made but learned our lesson and are back on track. I don't expect anyone to feel bad for us and give us handouts...we learned our lesson and moved on. Yes Grant makes good money but he worked himself up from making only 8.00 an hour to where he is now by hard work and dedication! THere were many other things in the film I could argue but am running out of time and probably lost a few viewers by now=D

1 comment:

Shell said...


The reason I enjoy Michael Moore movies so much is not because he has a liberal agenda, but I think he does a great job just getting you to think about issues effecting our country. He loves our country and truly wants the best for this country. If he can even get people to think about Health Care or Capitalism, then I think he's done his job.