Monday, September 27, 2010


Many know that I try to live my life as green as possible. Not to long ago Grant and I were driving and we saw a man throw a cigarette pack out his window...I honestly didn't know people still littered...silly me! When I check someone out buying the big ol packs of plastic water bottles I litterally want to lecture that person and tell them to get a reusable bottle...they are super fashionable to boot=D So I came across this video and it made me realize there is one thing I don't conciously do all the time and that's bring my own bags to every store. I do a lot of the time but sometimes I just go to the grocery store and don't even think of it and then add about 6 more plastic bags to my recycling bin. I'm going to pledge to ALWAYS have reusable bags in my car for whenever I take those unexpected or expected trips and just plain forget about them. I have a lot of reusable bags, and like the water bottles I have some pretty cute ones to boot!

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