Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goo Gone is going to be long gone from my house!

So I'm trying to get a sticky label off a candle jar and it will not budge. I remembered I had a bottle of goo gone in my laundry area and decide to try it. Folks, I'm surprised I'm still standing! I now have a headache and can still smell the stuff and I'm in a whole other room! So I did some research on goo gone and to my surprise this is what I found. It may be non-toxic but it still uses chemicals that is obvious to me cannot be good for anyone. So I will be finding a new label remover.
From the goo gone web-site:
Goo Gone has been proven safe, in that it is orally non-toxic and non-irritating to eyes and skin, according to The Federal Hazardous Substance Act. It contains no hazardous air pollutants or ozone depleters. However, it is a chemical and should be respected as one, and kept out of the reach of children. Older children can be supervised and taught to respect Goo Gone just as they would a fruit-scented bath soap or candle.

How to make toilet bowl cleaner

1 1/2 cup white vinegar
1 cup baking soda
1/4 cup salt
Toilet brush
5 to 10 drops of tea tree essential oil for scent and its antibacterial properties (optional)

Pour baking soda, salt and essential oil (if using) into the water of the toilet bowl.
Slowly pour the vinegar into the toilet bowl. If it foams up too much and looks like it may overflow, stop pouring briefly until the foam subsides a bit.
Let sit for 10 to 20 minutes.
Scrub the whole toilet bowl with a brush and then flush. Now the toilet is clean, disinfected and smelling clean

This worked AWESOME! I'm never going back to a commercial brand! My toilet turned out so white and clean and I didn't flush down a single chemical!...This rocks!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Carpet Freshner

To make your own eco-friendly carpet freshner use 2 cups borax (found in the laundry aisle) and 25 drops of an essential oil of your choice. Disperse oil in bowl with borax and mix well...voila! I used a fragrance oil. The smell is peace of mind. I burned this incense in my 20's...sometimes still do. When I saw they had the fragrance oil I was so super excited..now my carpeted rooms are going to have peace of mind!

I found that it helps to let it sit for awhile...Ahhh it's great..

All-Natural Hairspray

So I decided to try this out. All you need is 4 lemons (I used organic), water, spray bottle, and a pan. You cut up the lemons in slices place in the pan with aprox 3 cups water. Let simmer for 1 hour adding water as it evaporates. Voila you have your own eco-friendly hairspray! Before you pour into the bottle let completley cool.

I felt a little hold but a VERY flexible hold. So those who like crisp hair this will not be what your looking for.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Salt Lamps..thought this article was interesting.

People love hearing about salt lamps when I give talks, and how crystalline salt helps to increase negative ions. The feeling generated by negative ions is one you find at the ocean, or in the high you experience in the midst of a big storm, or near a big waterfall. Positive ions, on the other hand, are full of pollution. Learn how to benefit.

Yosemite Falls has a negative ion count of over 100,000 per cubic centimeter. Fresh, country air has a negative ion count of around 2,000 to 4,000 per cubic centimeter. Los Angeles during rush hour has a negative ion count of around 100 per cubic centimeter. Humans respond most positively to a ratio of 2 negative ions to 1 positive ion, but such a ratio is rare at best.

Salt lamps provide a simple, natural way to increase the negative ions in your home.

Crystalline salt is a natural air ionizer that boosts the negative ions in the air. Tests show that lit salt crystal lamps improve the ratio of negative ions to our environment. The heated salt crystal pulls water molecules from the air to its surface, the salt goes into the solution of the water, neutralizes any positive ions (and the attached pollution), and emits the neutralized molecule back into the environment.

Most common negative-ion generators incorporate electrostatic technology to produce ions. But many think they stop working after two or three months because the fine-tipped metallic needles become blunted and stop working.

Natural salt lamps are made from salt mined from deep within the Earth and it naturally occurs in white to coral colors. Many salt lamps are from crystals mined in the Himalayas.

~Annie Bond

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Minneapolis/Fargo trip Itinerary

Friday, 8th:
Go to the cities=)

Saturday, 9th:
Doug and Annettes Wedding

Sunday, 10th:
Lunch w/ Patrick
Attend Cool Club

Monday 11th:

Tuesday 12th:

Wednesday 13th:
Sharon’s place 4pm

Thursday 14th:

Friday 15th:

Saturday 16th:
Head back to the cities

Sunday 17th:
Attend Cool Club

Monday 18th:
Family Valu Thrift store W/Virginia…Anyone is invited!

Tuesday 19th:
Unique Thrift Store W/ Virginia…Anyone is invited!

Wednesday 20th:

Thursday 21st:
Valleyfair…Anyone welcome to come…Sorry, Adults only!

Friday 22nd:
Go to Fargo

Saturday 23rd:
Chad and Erin’s Wedding

Sunday 24th:
Back to Wi

From my e-mail quote of the week

"The fight to save family farms isn't just about farmers. It's about making sure that there is a safe and healthy food supply for all of us. It's about jobs, from Main Street to Wall Street. It's about a better America." ~Willie Nelson

"High-tech tomatoes. Mysterious milk. Supersquash. Are we supposed to eat this stuff? Or is it going to eat us?" ~Annita Manning

Ok, now about the quotes of the week. Grant and I, for sometime now, discuss what nasty things are allowed to go into our everyday food and really have wanted to make lifestyle changes to stay away from this "stuff" I borrowed a book from the library titled "The health chic guide, Hip, Fun & Delicious living" by Wendimer Reilly. I would recommend this book to anyone! She starts out talking of her and her husbands old habits and they fit Grant's and mine to a tee!...well I'm happy to say a little better but we were where they were at one point. To me it's amazing how these important health decisions are really not so hard if you just take them one step at a time. She is such a realist when it comes to making the change. They are not vegetarians and they still love thier chocolate and snacks, they just choose the better for you alternatives. I've actually started to make my own cleaners and am going to hopefully get where all of my cleaners are homemade, safe for breathing and the environment.

How Exciting...my very first blog on blogger!

I'm so writing my first blog on blogger...woo hoo. Anyways I hope to make this a blog to help others make small changes in thier life to better themselves and the environment. Please feel free to tell me how you honestly feel about my ideas and share ideas you may have! I'll probably use this as an everyday how thing are going also.