Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goo Gone is going to be long gone from my house!

So I'm trying to get a sticky label off a candle jar and it will not budge. I remembered I had a bottle of goo gone in my laundry area and decide to try it. Folks, I'm surprised I'm still standing! I now have a headache and can still smell the stuff and I'm in a whole other room! So I did some research on goo gone and to my surprise this is what I found. It may be non-toxic but it still uses chemicals that is obvious to me cannot be good for anyone. So I will be finding a new label remover.
From the goo gone web-site:
Goo Gone has been proven safe, in that it is orally non-toxic and non-irritating to eyes and skin, according to The Federal Hazardous Substance Act. It contains no hazardous air pollutants or ozone depleters. However, it is a chemical and should be respected as one, and kept out of the reach of children. Older children can be supervised and taught to respect Goo Gone just as they would a fruit-scented bath soap or candle.

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