Monday, October 24, 2011

So for our sporadic pescatarian (eats seafood but no other meat) month I caught a few images of some of the things I made:
note: yes the plates are old and I purposely look for them at thrift stores cause I LOVE them!..Grant not so much...he says to stop bringing in that 70's stuff=D

So just because you eat vegetarian doesn't mean that you eat healthy...which is true for us more than we would like.  This here is a recipe from my friend Sharon.  On an egg roll wrap set in front of you diamond shaped you lay down piece of havarti cheese, a pickle spear on top of that and sprinkle with a lil dill weed. Roll up like the pictures on the package tell you and seal seams with beaten egg around the edges.  Fry up and serve with ranch...DELICIOUS!  

This is the soup I mentioned in an earlier blog.  Vegetable broth, carrots, celery and cheese tortellini to add volume...mmmm=)

I heart stir fry!  I put like every vegetable imaginable...Broccoli, cauliflower, pea pods, onion, celery, carrots, peppers, chestnuts, bamboo shoots... and I use a stir fry mix.  If you out there in blog land have a good stir fry sauce recipe please let me know! My friend Janet turned me onto Quinoa and that's what I use instead of rice now.  I don't like brown rice so this is my "healthy" alternative to white rice.

Special K bars...yep, vegetarian=)

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