Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Makes My heart Beat

Here are my answers to the above list.  This is going in my dream book and I thought I'd share it with y'all=)
1. Trudy Renee Hest
2. Born in Fargo, ND Currently live in Appleton, WI
3. I work at Target.
4. In no specific order: Nieces and Nephews, Camping, God, Husband, My dogs Scrapbooking
5. Bringing Joy to others
7. I value my marriage, my special relationship with my niece Amber, my relationship with God. My dogs are very precious to me. They help fill that void of not being able to have children.
8. Fashion:
I’m a very simple fashionista. I like solid colored cardigans a lot. I like flowing skirts, funky socks, Danskos and flip flops, beige Victoria Secret bras and Grandma panties.
When it comes to music I like folksy singer songwriters. I like music I can relax to and have on in the background. I like my music to have a creative force behind the music.
My life is boring and I’ve come to like it that way more and more. I used to want to be doing something most of the time and be the life of a party but now I’m fine being in the background and not even attending the party. I have a wonderful and husband and dogs to spend my life with but have a horrible void of not having children in my life.
9. Everything happens for a reason and that reason is God’s way of teaching us about life. I honestly believe one cannot have true happiness in life without faith in a higher power. That faith is what fills up ones soul and gives us reason to live everyday and gets us through hard times.
10. I dream of doing something substantial with my life. Working at Target is not that. I want to bring joy to people and lighten people up. People live life so seriously and don’t have enough fun…I’m here to show people life can be lived with joy and fun! Right now I would love to answer phones and be the smiling face greeting people behind a receptionist desk. When people go into any kind of office, if they’re greeted by a person without cheer that can really impact ones hour or even day….I want to make someone’s day! I am currently looking at new job opportunities to do just this.

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