Monday, May 3, 2010

Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Milk & This is Spinal Tap

Planes Trains and Automobiles

This movie was hilarious and could be a movie I watch again. Maybe not a hundred times like others but it was good! Favorite part of the movie was when they wake up in the hotel and John Candy's arms are around Steve Martin and he starts kissing his ear and Steve asks "where is your other hand?" John: "between two pillows" Steve: "those aren't pillows!"
"So how about those bears(maybe it was cubs...I don't recall it was just hooolarious!)"
Another fave part is when he goes to the car rental lady and starts screaming about how there was no F@#& car in the F#%# lot......

This is Spinal Tap
Sorry Scott, but I just didn't get why this was a movie I HAD to see. Grant was right, I did not get it. Was it suppose to make me laugh? The whole time I kept thinking just get over so I can say I watched the whole thing. The only semi funny thing is when Nigel drew the stone hedge they wanted on stage and put 18" and the little people were dancing around the little 18" stone hedge.
I would really love to know what you like so much about it so much you consider it a must see?

Milk we watched in January so it's been awhile. I Liked it a lot & would suggest it to someone. Sean Penn was excellent in this movie! It's funny to me how we've come so far but to think that we were fighting for rights for GLTB's 30 years ago and still fighting to this day for something so simple as equal rights for another human being! I thought it was a deep and heavy movie and was really moved by it!

So I also have there will be blood and plan to watch that tomorrow. The rest I put into my netflix queue and will watch them little by little beings I won't be off work forever and have to go back to reality. Also I still have to squeeze in my favorites=)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I loved Milk so much, for the same reasons you list. It's just stunning to me how long we've been having the same conversations on this issue!

As for Spinal Tap...having seen it about 10 times (not usually by choice) I will tell you it grows on a person. Kind of like a fungus.

Have a good day, cousin!