Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am Blessed!

I used to be the person who thought life was after me and nothing went my way..waaa waaa. Well I have to tell you it's a blessing in itself to know how truly blessed one is. What a great feeling to feel such contentment and satisfaction. for the past year now It's really been hitting me just how blessed I am. I really haven't anything to complain about. Everything I have I've created for myself. Debt..I created but when you come to the realization that it's not going to take over your overall attitude and you decide to take control it's the most wonderful feeling! I never thought I'd say this but I love being budgeted and the feeling of having a handle on things! I know I'm overly blessed having the husband I do, having the friends I do and of course the puppies I do also! I'm truly content and happy in life and my only hope is that others get to feel this way in thier lifetime as well. It seems that so many don't ever get that feeling of true contentment and focus so much of the things that aren't so good and forget to focus on all the blessings we have!

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