Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Grammy Award Update and a little music ranting

Yes, I know it's like a week after Grammy's. I recorded them and watched the 2ND half today and now feel I have to give my feedback. This is my own personal reflection and I don't mean to offend anyone=)
So the nerd I am took notes on the performance and some of the it is:
U2's performance was good. I haven't loved a lot of their newer stuff and really liked the song they performed.
Whitney word..YIKES! Ok I do have a few more..ick, cracked out and to much botox
Coldplay was awesome. Since I lost respect for JayZ(see older post) I liked the effect on the song but he just brought a certain ick factor for me. Chris Martin did a interview before the grammy's and was super cute in his boyish way. Love him!
Al Green and Justin Timberlake was good
Jonas Bros with Stevie Wonder was fun. Joe is the cutest one in my opinion.
I was happy to see Jason Mraz..I heart that boy!
Miley and Taylor Swift was nice. I think Miley was nervous and didn't do a great job.
Jennifer Hudson's performance and win was touching
Katy Perry I think was lip syncing and I HATE that! I'm not a big fan!
Kenny Chesney..nice
JayZ, Kanye, Sean Puffy(whatever his name is these days), lil Wayne, TI, and Mia...I thought it was very annoying and I didn't like her choice in clothing at all! She was super annoying me!
Paul McCartney and Dave Grohl were good and fun to watch. I love Dave and Paul is a good egg also.
Jack Black was so awesome to see! My heart skipped a beat and I was speechless for quite sometime.
I didn't like John Mayer winning an award and when he played with BB King and I believe it was Keith Urban he had absolutely no umph. He seems so smug and arrogant in any situation I see him in. I don't know what Miss. Aniston sees in him. He's so frumpy.
Sugarland was phenomenal! She has a great controlled voice and such passion!
I love Adele's song Chasing Pavement and her voice is nice but she needs more charisma, more stage presence.
I thought that Justin Timberlake and TI were good. I was really impressed by TI..not that I'm going to go out and buy and album though. I loved the strings and the bucket drummers.
Radiohead I love but it's so hard for me to watch Thom Yorke. He's just so bizzare. Grant and I watched him on a music show that was just them and he kinda spooks us both out. I do love listening to their music though.
Neil Diamond is someone I adore. He brings such warm fuzzy's to me like he did the audience. Growing up he was my sister Dawn's fave and my dad also loved him. When I was 24ish I brought my dad to a concert of his. Beings my dad was handicapped we got to sit in handicapped seating which isn't such a bad deal. They had double seated in our area and someone asked if we'd like to sit in the front with his wheel chair and they'd give us our money back. So not only did we get to be right up front, instead of to the side we got to attend the awesomest concert for free!
Robin Thicke and Lil Wayne I just pushed fast forward. It really wasn't doing anything for me.
Robert Plant and Alison Krause I just don't get why they are loved! I personally don't like the song that's popular and that they sang. I was a little disappointed they won album of the year. Green day is looking good though!

So there you have it. I haven't watched the grammy's for awhile and probably won't for awhile again. You know (I'm talking about people in my age group here) how we used to make fun of people for being stuck in the 80's, well I beleive I'm stuck in the 90's. I just love the music from that time and there is just nothing coming out that wow's me or hasn't been done already. Like to me John Mayer is just a bad immitation of Dave Matthews. I love the whole grunge era and I don't like bands like Linkin Park that aren't that good...sorry to the lovers! It's funny because my favorite band of all time R.E.M. even started to make not as good music after the 90's...after automatic for the people where I'm was good to I guess. So today I'm just lying in bed and I see top 20 countdown on VH1. Personally I didn't even know that MTV or VH1 still ran videos..he ha. I cannot even tell you the last time I pushed enter to watch one of them. Well the video that was on was some music I'd hear at some bar I hate in a downtown dance club. Click, off. Thank goodness I wasted a LOT of time recording video's in the 90's!

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