Saturday, February 7, 2009


If you belong to my e-mail list you know I do a quote of the week. Well I'm begining to think I could do an Obama administration screw up of the day. And people thought Bush was bad!?!?

Passing the SCHIP's bill.
Republicans, even the one's who support it, fear democrats were taking the program beyond its original intent and were encouraging states to cover middle-class families who otherwise could get private insurance. They also said it will mean an estimated 2.4 million children who otherwise would have access to private insurance will join the State Children's Health Insurance Program instead. And isnt a higher precentage of smokers usually the poor. So we are going to tax the poor more? I didn't think this was a demorcatic policy...hmmm. I believe smoking isn't a good thing for one's body or others but why should an American smoker have to pay for an illegal child to have healthcare?

I watch the news A LOT and I'm appalled by what I hear! I guess if you don't mind our country moving toward socialism and think abortion is ok and don't beleive in morals this is the administration for you!

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