Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bush is not to blame!

I have a really hard time with hearing people say anything about Bush ruining our economy. C'mon people! Do you really beleive he has that much power to ruin the entire economy! Here's the deal folks; it's because we want everything and want it now and live beyond our means that people have unbelievable credit card debts, bought to much house than they could afford and so on. It's not Bush's fault people buy to much house and now need to forclose because they can't hack the bill every month. If a bank gives you 500,000 to buy a house and you can only afford 200,000 it's your responsibility to realize that and not let a bank try to get you into more you can afford. Same with credit cards. When did it come to that we need everything nice and now and that our children cannot live without this and that and we cannot live without this gadget or that new dining table set. Now I'm speaking from experience because Grant and I have gotten in trouble with all the above but I do not blame Bush for that nor do I blame anyone but our ownselves.

1 comment:

Trudy said...

When I say we got in trouble with some of the above stuff I meant just over speanding and not realizing we don't need to keep up with the Jones's.