Saturday, January 17, 2009

The many blows to Lola's head part 1

Little Lola started out with a tough break. When she was only about 2 weeks old she had a candle opera fall on her head and the people watching over her didn't think she would make it...but obviously she did. We got her when she was 8 months old. Since then she's had a few more bumps including the terrifying one last night! Once I was giving her a bath in our kitchen sink and reached for the shampoo. In that second she was on the floor and hurt her head. Another time she had either fallen or decided to try and jump off the couch and again hurt her head. Last night Grant and I are playing usual, and Lucy had just gotten a chew treat and Lola must've tried to get it...well next thing you know we hear Lucy barking and see Lola on the ground with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. She was right next to the leg on of the table so we think she backed up just hard enough into it because I didn't feel Lucy move at all and she lays on my feet. We thought she was gone. Grant kept saying her name and trying to bring her to and it worked. I called a vet hospital and the vet there said as long as she keeps making improvement she'll be ok. Well she has done just that. Last night we couldn't even touch behind her left ear now today I can. She has been lethargic but can walk in a non-clumsy fashion. She does want me to hold her every second which is understandable after what she went through. Needless to say, Lucy will be starting some dog training on treat aggression. She is a GREAT dog in every other way just has been territorial on her treats. Grant and I do feel bad that she was an only dog for 4 years and now she's had to instantly share attention. I know many dogs do this but we cannot have it in our house with a 2 pound dog here. So I will be updating y'all on Lucy's progress progress.


Jennifer said...

Oh, mercy, how scary! When we had poodles, Zuul had a seizure in the backyard one day, and I just cried and cried. I was so scared. I picked him up and put him in the car and ran around looking for my car keys like a crazy woman. By the time I found them, he'd woken up and was fine...but I took him in anyway. They are so helpless when they get hurt, it just breaks my heart.

Both your puppies are just lovely, Trudy. Hope Lola feels better.

Anonymous said...

She's doing really well. Swelling is down and she's back to her normal behavior.