Thursday, January 22, 2009

Republican girl living in a liberal world

I saw this on Bill O'Reily last night and probably the only place I would see it. Heaven forbid the rest of the liberal media would show this. We all know it would be pasted everywhere and we couldn't get away from it if this was a white man singing like this. Grant had mentioned but goes along with so many other things...could you imagine McCain getting in and someone singing about their president is white and so on. And by the way Obama has a white mother in case some want to forget that.
I have fears of Obama and what we don't know about him which is nothing! Stuff that has come out is not the stuff I'd go out and vote for for the U.S. But if I were to go around saying Obama should die and he's hitler and so on I'd be labeled racist and a horrible person. Well how about all the people labeled as just when they would say this stuff about Bush? I'd be told to have respect because he's my president by the same people who showed little of no respect to Bush. I really have a hard time living in this day in age where I have to always watch what I say because I'm a republican and far left loons get away with saying and doing anything!

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